Join us for a spiritually enriching Sunday Service at Pleasant Hope as we conclude our Black History Month Celebration. The youth will present a special lesson highlighting African American achievements. Following this, experience an inspirational sermon from the Rev. Gloria Richmond Jackson, who will continue her “Living a Forgiven Life in Jesus Christ, series that began in Bible Study on Feb. 12. You can also join us online via our Facebook page.
Lesson Three: God’s Love Preserves Us: During our Morning Worship on February 23 at 9:00 A.M., discover who preserves us and how we are assured of this preservation. 1 John 4:12 –16 We’ll consider the following questions: 1. Who is it that preserves us? And what is your scripture to back up your answer? 2. How do we know that we are preserved? 3. What are your thoughts on verses 15 & 16?
Soul Food Sunday:
We invite you to stay afterward for a soul food potluck, celebrating our heritage in fellowship. Everyone is welcome to be part of our community. If you are unable to attend in person, you can join us via Facebook Live for this event. Members are encouraged to inform us of their potluck contributions here.