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Bible Study Series: Living a Forgiven Life in Jesus Christ

  • 945 6th St. Lambert, Mississippi United States (map)

We warmly invite you to participate in Pleasant Hope's enlightening Bible Study series, Living a Forgiven Life in Jesus Christ, led by our assistant pastor, Rev. Gloria Richmond Jackson. This transformative journey begins on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 6:30 P.M. CST. Through four engaging lessons, we will explore the depth of God’s love as described in 1 John 4.

Let’s come together to grow in faith, understanding, and community. We look forward to sharing this journey with you! You can also join us online via our Facebook page.

Lesson One: God’s Love is Greater

On February 12, delve into how God's Word describes spirits that are not from Him and learn how to discern the true spirits of God. 1 John 4:1-6

We’ll consider the following questions:

  1. How does the Word of God describe spirits that are not of Him?

  2. What should we do to discern whether a spirit is from God, and what are these spirits called?

  3. Should we be alarmed or frighten of these spirits? And what is your scripture reference to back up your answer?

Lesson Two: God’s Love Saves Us

Join us on February 19 to uncover how God's love was shown to us and examine its profound impact on our lives.
1 John 4:7-11

We’ll consider the following questions:

  1. How did God show His Love for us?

  2. How does your answer to question 1 impact your life?

  3. Why is it important to you to show sinners Godly Love? And what is your scripture reference to back up your answer?

Lesson Three: God’s Love Preserves Us

During our Morning Worship on February 23 at 9:00 A.M., discover who preserves us and how we are assured of this preservation. 1 John 4:12 –16

We’ll consider the following questions:

  1. Who is it that preserves us? And what is your scripture to back up your answer?

  2. How do we know that we are preserved?

  3. What are your thoughts on verses 15 & 16?

Lesson Four: God’s Love Prepares, Perfects, Empowers and Presents us Faultless Before God

Conclude the series on February 26 by understanding how God's love eliminates fear and empowers us to live boldly. 1 John 4:17-21

We’ll consider the following questions:

  1. What does God’s Love eliminate from our lives?

  2. What are signs that someone doesn’t love God?

  3. Summarize important points that you have learned from this series of lessons.

You can also join us online via our Facebook page.

February 12

Prayer Call

February 14

Prayer Call